The TypeScript documentation for writing type definitions for 3rd-party libraries that you may import in your project is pretty poor, and that had let me to wasted hours of research. The instructions here are current as of the time of writing.

  1. Create a directory for your custom typings. We will assume here project_root/typings.
  2. Configure tsconfig.json so that typescript compiles your .d.ts files. For example,
      "include": [
  3. For each module package-name that you wish to write definitions for,
  4. Create a file (and its parent folder) project_root/typings/package-name/index.d.ts.
  5. Especially if you are going to publish it, the first non-blank uncommented line should contain lines of the form
    /// <reference types="other-package" />

    where other-package is a package whose objects (and their types) are exposed by package-name. That is, you wish to use the types of other-package in your definitions for package-name.

  6. Other than this line, the rest of the file should look like
    declare module 'package-name' {
      // this style is for CommonJS-style imports
      import * as otherPackage from 'other-package';
      // type definitions
      // ...
      export = packageFunction; // or other export styles